
Vale of Leithen Football Club is a member of the East of Scotland Football League. We pride ourselves in community integration at all levels.

Vale of Leithen Football Club is committed to ensuring full participation of all, as we recognise racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination, both institutional and personal are widespread in our society. Such discrimination prevents equality of opportunity to participation within our sport.

This document is designed to describe the club’s policy on such matters.

Anti-Discrimination Policy
1. Vale of Leithen Football Club’s policy is not to discriminate or in any way or treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, colour, religion or disability. The club will not tolerate any such discrimination in any activities relating to it.
2. The club will apply this policy when;
i) seeking volunteers
ii) running external coaching, educational activities, and award schemes
iii) promoting football development activities
iv) selecting teams
v) considering appointments.
3. The club will not tolerate racist, sectarian, bigoted or sexual harassment, or other discriminatory behaviour whether physical or verbal, and will work to ensure that such behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs.
4. Vale of Leithen FC is committed to the development of the programme of ongoing training and awareness raising events and activities, in order to promote the eradication of discrimination within its own organisation, and within football as a whole.
5. The club are committed to challenging and dismantling all forms of discrimination in our club by developing club practice that is sensitive to and suitable for all, reflecting the fundamental equality and worth of everyone.
6. To ensure full participation of all, we will not accept discriminatory practice by any Vale of Leithen Football Club committee member, volunteer or supporter whether physical or verbal. This will be reflected in our club as normal practice, whether in recruitment of volunteers, our promotional materials or general behaviour.
7. Vale of Leithen Football Club gives a commitment to ensure that it is open to all and that team selection policy will be based on the footballing ability and character of the individual, together with the collective balance of the team.
9. Any form of discrimination will be looked upon as serious, will not be taken lightly and may lead to disciplinary action by the club, depending on the circumstances.

Policy Review
The club will keep this policy under review and may be amended by the club if deemed appropriate.

August 2023